We guarantee, with international certifications the safety of your data.
Intertranslations is a worldwide leader in quality and data safety certifications
Intertranslations holds a number of quality and data safety certifications awarded by international organisations
that differentiate it globally.
• ISO 17100:2015
* ISO/IEC 27001:2013
* ISO 9001:2015
Intertranslations holds a number of quality and data safety certifications awarded by international organisations that differentiate it globally.

Privacy – Policy
Collection and use of data
Intertranslations is solely responsible for managing information collected on this site. This is largely used for producing statistics and reports aiming to maximise effectiveness for the benefit of the client.
At Intertranslations, we fully understand the importance of protecting our clients’ assets and information. Our translators, staff and other professionals adhere to strict confidentiality and impartiality clauses and are assessed and monitored during every project to ensure compliance. We are happy to sign Confidentiality Agreements and Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) with clients. We use dedicated Vendor and Customer Portals with encryption technology and running on secure servers (ftp), firewall (firewalls), and secure protocols HTTPS (HTTP in SSL). These portals incorporate advanced security policies and utilise anti-phishing and intrusion prevention techniques.

This website is owned by:
Intertranslations Limited
Registered Address:
Intertranslations L.T.D
57 Rathbone Place
London W1T 1JU
United Kingdom
Registered Company Number:
Place of Registration:
England and Wales