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At Intertranslations, we believe that everyone deserves professional translation services of the highest standards. However, finding the right people to carry out your translation project is not always easy.
We have put together a list of essential criteria for you to use when choosing your language service provider (LSP). Look out for these key points to help you decide if they are a professional company that you can trust. In doing so, you should be able to find a professional translation agency that best suits your needs.
1. Experience
The reliability, competence and professionalism of a translation agency is deeply rooted in its experience. Experienced agencies will have developed their skills and expertise throughout the years. The more experience a company gains, the more it can refine its processes and deliver professional services.
An experienced LSP will only work with native speakers who are subject matter experts. This guarantees that your translated text will be of expert quality, reading fluently and reaching your target audience in words they understand. Their expertise will also ensure that your documents comply with the rules and regulations of your target market.
2. Communication
The way a company communicates is one of the most important factors to think about when choosing your LSP. In order to avoid misunderstandings, they should clearly communicate how they select their linguists, what is included in the price, and their actual translation process.
They should also be upfront and honest about their security measures, including data protection and any data privacy guarantees. If you need a non-disclosure agreement, then check that they will provide one.
When dealing with professional translation agencies, you should be able to talk freely with the project manager about any queries or concerns. The bottom line is that they should be open, honest, and inspire you with confidence in their skills and services.
3. Tools and translation process
The tools and processes that your translation partner use will indicate the level of quality they can offer. Translation agencies should clearly outline how they will go about completing your translation, and any tools they use.
A professional LSP should use computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools, which allow them to create and use translation memories, term bases and glossaries. CAT tools are essential for making sure your translation is accurate and consistent, delivering high-quality results.
Since not all translations require a human translation, they should also let you know about the different options available to you. If your document is for internal use or information purposes, then you might only need an advanced machine translation.
When most people hear about machine translation, they instinctively think of tools like Google Translate. However, when dealing with a professional translation agency, the quality is much more impressive.
At Intertranslations, we have created our very own neural machine translation engines that are capable of deep learning. Using countless human translations produced over the course of 25 years, we have trained our neural machines in a number of specialist areas.
The more information we add to these subject-specific memory pools, the better the results become. As such, our advanced machine translation solution provides fast results at a competitive price with impressive results.
4. Certification and references
Finally, any reliable company offering professional translation services must be able to provide certifications and references. Look out for the necessary ISO certifications regarding translation quality, accuracy and privacy.
These are essential when working with anyone in the translation industry. If a company cannot provide you with these certifications, it would be best to try elsewhere.
Intertranslations is ready to help
Choosing a professional translation agency is no simple task, and a lot rides on your decision. But by looking out for these key points, you can start recognising the agencies that focus on delivering quality translations.
At Intertranslations, we have more than 25 years of experience in translation and localisation. Over the years, we have continued to improve and refine our services to become one of the best in the industry. Taking great pride in the work we do, we make every effort possible to deliver the best results for our clients.
Although translation is a time-consuming process, clients often need urgent translations with extremely tight deadlines. When this happens, there are several steps that both clients and translation agencies can take in order to help speed up the translation process.
As a client
When sending your documents over to your chosen translation language service provider, make sure to include the following information to give the translator everything they need.
1. Provide documents in editable format
When sending your documents, it is a good idea to make sure they are editable—especially for high volume projects. Read-only documents will need to be edited and reformatted by either the translator or a desktop publishing team, meaning the translation will take longer. By choosing an editable format, your documents can go directly to the translation team so they can start working on the document faster.
2. Give precise information
Be clear and precise, giving as much information as you can about any elements you consider important for a high-quality translation. This will avoid any confusion and answer questions which could otherwise lead to a long and time-consuming email exchange.
Some examples of the information you should provide include the language combination for each document, type of document, their intended use and any specialist fields involved. Also make sure to specify if you need your translation certified. This information gives the translator the essential information ready to get started, but you can always send over anything else you think of later on.
3. Provide the details of the person in charge for the project
The translator working your documents might need to clarify some points to help improve the overall quality of the translation. Depending on how specialist the topic is and the urgency of the request, they will try to contact you either by email or phone.
Check your email regularly during the project just in case the project manager or translator tries to reach you. This way, any issues can be resolved quickly to help the translator meet your deadline.
4. Review and correct parts of the translation
A step-by-step translation allows you to receive the translation in parts. By breaking it down into smaller chunks, it can be quickly reviewed and corrected if necessary. This helps identify errors as soon as they happen, avoiding any further recurrence and cutting down editing time. Make sure to ask if this would be possible for your project to help save time.
As a translation agency
When searching for a professional translation agency, look out for the translation processes they offer and any methods they use to make them faster.
1. Use of CAT tools
Computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools are essential for speeding up the translation time while ensuring quality and consistency. Translation memories and glossaries are a must for any professional language service provider.
a. Translation memories
Find a professional who will create and use translation memories. By storing data from your completed translations, the translator can quickly compare current projects with previous ones to find any words or sentences that match. This greatly speeds up the translation process while helping to ensure consistency and reduce the amount of necessary editing.
Since this involves storing data from your projects, make sure the translation agency also includes a strict non-disclosure policy to help protect your personal data.
b. Glossaries
Subject-specific translation glossaries list specialist terminology in the source language alongside your preferred target language term. This saves time on both research and editing, making sure your translation is consistent and accurate the first time around.
A professional translation agency should be able to create bespoke glossaries for each client, which can then be used across multiple projects.
2. Create translation teams
Ask if you can have multiple translators working on your documents at once. By sharing out the workload, this is especially effective for speeding up high volume projects.
Your translation agency should have access to shared workspaces, giving each team member real-time access to your project and its translation memory. This will help the translators work together, keeping up with that what each other has done to ensure consistency in terminology and style.
Helping you get quality translations faster
Following these guidelines will help to speed up the translation process dramatically, helping agencies meet your deadline no matter how tight it might be. Plus, by choosing an agency who can create bespoke glossaries and translation memories, you can also save time and minimise the costs on future translations.
Here are Intertranslations, we combine expert human specialists with cutting-edge technology to deliver quality results fast. Want to learn more? Check out some of our most recent challenging projects here, or contact one of our team members for a consultation.
When looking for professional translation services, many people often confuse interpretation and translation. Although they are similar in some ways, these two disciplines are actually very different, with each presenting its own unique challenges. Since both require specialist skills and training, it is rare to find a linguist who does both professionally.
Interpretation vs. translation
These two disciplines are closely related, and they both involve transferring a message from one language into another. However, the fundamental difference is that interpreters deal with spoken language, while translators translate written words.
In order to provide the best services, both professional interpreters and translators must be native speakers of their target languages. These disciplines also require excellent foreign language skills and specialist knowledge in one or more specific fields, such as legal or medical. However, when we look at these services in more detail, we can see that the talents required by translators and interpreters are actually very different.
The skill of translation
A good translator must be able to deliver the message of the original material clearly, while also preserving the tone, style and form of the written text. Accuracy is essential, and the translated document must be faithful to the original in every linguistic and cultural aspect.
Therefore, whether it is literary, legal, medical or technical translation, it takes time. The translation process for a document usually involves several steps to achieve the best results, including the use of translation memories and proofreading. For a quality translation, the final output must be free of translation errors and equivalent to the source document.
There are a variety of different types of translation requiring specialist skill sets, and these all depend on the field in question. As an example, legal, literary and technical translations would all need specialist translators with certain skills in order to achieve the best translation.
A technical translator might find it challenging to pick up on the subtle nuances and imagery of a literary text. On the other hand, a literary translator might struggle with the terminology and writing style of a technical text. Legal translations often need to be done by a certified or sworn translator, who would also need an in-depth understanding of the specific regulations involved.
The skill of interpretation
Interpreting is a much more direct discipline. The interpreter focuses more on the actual message than its style. Depending on the type of interpretation, the professional has little or no time to render the message in the target language.
As such, interpreters must know their languages and specialism inside out in order to instantly translate the spoken word while avoiding any mistakes. The slightest misinterpretation could cause confusion for the target audience.
The field of interpretation is divided into two main types, which are simultaneous and consecutive.
1. Simultaneous interpretation
For this type of interpretation, the professional must be able to render the source-language speech into the target language at the same time as the speaker. This type of interpreting allows for real-time delivery, and is often used for conferences or professional meetings.
The interpreter must be quick to avoid creating a gap between the original message and its interpretation. They must be able to listen to the speech, instantly convert it into another language, and then deliver it to the audience. All of this must be done at the same time as the speaker, requiring a high level of concentration and the ability to multitask.
2. Consecutive interpreting
Unlike simultaneous interpreting, the speaker pauses during his speech to give the interpreter chance to convey the message. Since these pauses are decided by the speaker, the interpreter needs to pay close attention and take notes so as to not miss out any information.
With this type of interpreting, the interpreter has more thinking time to organise the ideas that need to be delivered and summarise the message.
Translation and interpretation services for all your business needs
The difference between interpretation and translation goes far beyond their names. They differ in terms of both the format and the way the content is rendered. They also require different levels of accuracy.
When interpreting, the main priority is to convey the correct message. With translation, everything counts, from the core message to tone, word choices and the actual layout of the text. Although both professionals must have a high level of language proficiency, the interpreter must be fluent in both spoken languages.
At Intertranslations, we provide professional translation services, as well as both consecutive and simultaneous interpretation. Our network of expert translators and interpreters specialise in a variety of sectors, covering all your communication needs.
Still not sure if you need translation or interpretation? Get in touch with our specialists today and we will help you find the right language solution for your project.
One of the most common questions people ask is whether they need translation or localisation services. Closely related, it is unsurprising that these two services are often confused, with the distinctions between them often being unclear.
Considering all the factors
When it comes to any project that involves adapting original content into a new language, there are several elements that need to be taken into consideration. This includes not only the languages involved and the target audience, but also the target country itself.
Depending on the products or services you offer, your translated documents will need to comply with certain rules and customs. This is because every country has its own systems in place, and there can even be differences between two countries speaking the same language.
As an example, the United States uses the imperial system, while Canada and Australia use the metric system, despite them all being English-speaking countries. As well as units of measurements, there are also differences in currencies, date formats and a whole range of other cultural terminology.
The difference between translation and localisation
This is where translation starts to shift towards localisation, which goes beyond the basic linguistic element by also adapting the culture. So what exactly are these two services?
1. Translation
A simple or classic translation is the process of converting a document from a source language to a target language. The translator goes word by word while following the rules of the target-language grammar and syntax. This type of translation is mainly used in industries such as medical, legal or compliance, as well as documents such as manuals and guidelines.
Classic translation refers exclusively to language. A professional translator must understand the target market of a specific region in order to make linguistic choices that accurately adapt the text. Together with detailed knowledge about its systems, laws and regulations, they can deliver a translation that complies with the rules of the target market.
2. Localisation
Localisation is deeply intertwined with classic translation. Where translation builds bridges between two languages, localisation breaks down cultural barriers. This is especially important for businesses entering new markets, and adapting your content will give your marketing strategy the best chances of success.
By localising your content, you can directly address your target audience in their own native language while connecting with them on a deeper level. Covering everything from cultural nuances and humour, to colour, imagery and layouts, localisation is key to a global marketing strategy. It is also vital when translating multimedia content, such as mobile apps, games, or websites.
Do you need translation or localisation?
While translation and localisation are inextricably linked, translation communicates across languages while localisation communicates across cultures. The service you need will depend on a number of factors, so if you are unsure then ask for advice. Once you make the right choice, your target-language texts will play a significant role in the success of your global endeavours.
Whether you need classic translation or localisation, we do both. Working with a wide network of linguistic and cultural specialists, all of our linguists are native speakers and subject matter experts. Together with proven experience in their specialist sector, we can help find the right solution for all your communication needs.
If you have any questions or would like a consultation, then our translation and localisation specialists are on hand to offer advice. Drawing on 25 years of experience, we can help guide your project down the right path for the best chances of success.
There are a whole number of reasons why individuals, companies, and NGOs might need professional translation services. From outsourcing production and connecting with new audiences, to information purposes and internal communications, globalisation means translation is now more important than ever before.
What is translation?
In its most basic form, translation is the process of converting the text of a written document from one language into another. This requires an excellent command of both languages involved, and for best results, the translator should be a native speaker of the target language. That way, you can make sure your translated document is coherent, free of translation errors, and follows the rules and regulations of the target culture.
When applied to a specific field like medical or legal, this is known as specialised translation and requires the translator to have specific knowledge. Such a wide variety of different types of translation means there are just as many types of translators specialising in each field. Expertise is essential when the field in question has its own jargon, and these specific terms are what make translating these specialist fields more complex.
Specialist areas of translation
Although there are numerous types of translation, here are several common ones which make up the various translation services offered by professionals.
• Technical translation
This refers to the translation of technical documents for specific audiences within the engineering, IT, electronics, manufacturing, and industrial sectors. Technical documents cover everything from user manuals, maintenance manuals and safety documentation, to installation guides, patents, and product datasheets.
• Scientific translation
This service involves the translation of documents relating to the field of science, from psychology and zoology to neuroscience and astronomy. The type of documents covered is broad, from scientific journal articles to study reports and research results.
• Medical translation
Not to be confused with scientific translation, this service deals with medical documents such as patents, medical contracts, and instructions for use. This field has its own unique challenges since every country has its own health regulations. It is therefore necessary that the translator is familiar with the rules that are in force within the target region.
• Financial translation
Also known as economic translation, this service covers the translation of financial and economic documents, including financial contracts, reports, statements and audits. Translators must be familiar with the field and understand these complex documents, since they differ from country to country.
• Legal translation
This service covers a wide variety of documents related to the legal field. This includes warrants, texts for judicial purposes, and registration certificates. Laws also vary between countries and even regions, so the translator must also be an expert in the local legal system.
• Juridical translation
This refers to the translation of all legally-binding documents. This can be anything from official laws and regulations, to partnership agreements and bail or surety bonds. The translator must be an expert in legal matters.
• Judicial translation
Not to be confused with legal and juridical translation services, this refers to all the documents that play a role within court proceedings. For example, minutes of proceedings, expert witness reports or depositions. The translator needs expert knowledge of the field and languages involved, while also keeping up to date with any new laws or changes in regulations.
Legal, juridical, and judicial translation all require in-depth knowledge of the judicial systems of both the source and target audience.
• Certified translation
Some translations may also need certification depending on the type of document and its intended use. This is often required by official, legal and court documents. There are several types of certification, and documents can either be certified, sworn, notarised, or apostilled.
The value attached to each type varies depending on the country. This makes certification a complicated area, since each country decides what type of certification they accept. For example, in France, there is no difference between a certified or sworn translation.
• Literary translation
This vast field covers any content written within the literary field, and as such it includes a large number of different types of documents. Poems, songs, plays, and novels are just some of the most popular literary texts that are often translated. When translating literary works, professional translators face major difficulties due to the creative use of language, and replicating the author’s style is a big challenge.
Every word is carefully chosen to have a specific effect on the reader, from wordplay and imagery to rhythm and rhyme. The translator’s job is to try and replicate this in the target language, but polysemy makes this especially challenging. Words can have multiple meanings depending on context, allowing authors to create word play and give the literary text multiple layers of meaning. But where this is possible in one language, it might not be possible in another.
The literary translator must find a balance in their translation. It is important to preserve both content and form as much as possible, while creating a text that still reads as naturally as the original.
Translation of specialist text types
Some specialist areas focus on the actual type of document rather than the field.
• Website translation
Translating a website or a web page makes the content accessible to a wider audience. As well as being translated, the content might also need localising. This is where content is adapted to suit the norms and culture of the target audience, such as adapting prices into local currency.
• Script translation
This service involves translating scripts used by actors and narrators in films, drama series or documentaries. These translations can then be used to create subbed or dubbed versions of the work in different languages.
Scripts often contain puns, jokes and cultural references that only make sense in the source language. The translator’s job is to find a way of adapting these to suit the target culture, delivering the same impact on the new audience.
• Software localisation
This service involves translating the user interface, as well as all other related documents like manuals and packaging. Localising the user interface adapts the software to the target audience as much as possible, delivering a smooth and intuitive user experience for all.
Specialist fields need specialist translators
If you need to translate a specialist text from any field, we recommend hiring a freelance specialist translator or a translation agency. Choosing a professional agency guarantees you will receive a quality translation, and is the best way to avoid having a poor translation containing mistakes.
At Intertranslations, we offer professional translation services across a variety of specialist sectors, from legal, technical and medical translations, to website translation and software localisation. We have a wide network of specialist translators, working with native speakers and subject matter experts to deliver high-quality translations every time.
Over the course of 25 years, we have developed a unique translation process which allows us to combine both our human and technological resources. Our expert translators work alongside professional computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools and advanced neural machine translation engines, delivering fast and accurate translations at competitive prices.
If you want to learn more about our translation processes and the services we offer, contact one of our expert linguists today.
Are you looking to outsource manufacturing? Perhaps you want to expand abroad or trade with foreign companies, and need to make your content available to a wider audience?
In today’s globalised world, translation services play an essential role in the day-to-day running of a company. From opening offices or subsidiaries abroad, to outsourcing manufacturing and reaching a new audience, companies rely on the services of translation agencies.
But the success of your business and its products or services abroad all depends on the quality of your translations. It can be difficult knowing how to make sure you get the best results, but there are three common factors which often lead to low-quality translations. By avoiding these factors, you can choose the right translation agency for your project, giving your global business endeavours the highest chance of success.Â
1. Lack of knowledge
A lack of knowledge regarding the industry, its requirements and its specific terminology is one of the most common factors that results in a poor translation. If the translator is unfamiliar with these elements, the translated content will lack precision and accuracy, and in the worst case scenario, might be mistranslated. Such mistakes can have dire consequences for a business in terms of costs, litigation and reputation.
2. Lack of linguistic skills
Along with knowledge and understanding of the industry, knowledge and skills in the target language are equally important. Languages are full of linguistic and cultural elements that have no equivalent in the target language, from subtle nuances and contexts, to cultural influences and concepts. In order to deliver an accurate translation of the source text, the translator needs native language proficiency and mastery of their client’s target language.
Mistakes due to a lack of linguistic skills are as damaging as those caused by a lack of industry knowledge. Therefore, it is important to make sure the chosen translator has high-level language proficiency in the source language, and native proficiency in the target language.
3. Tone of voice and style guides
Another common reason behind low-quality translations is misjudging or misinterpreting the right tone of voice that should be used. If the translator is going to find the right tone of voice for the translation, then they first need to define the target audience.
A professional translator with experience in the client’s industry will know who to aim the translation at, which will impact the language used. For example, the language and tone of voice used in a marketing advertisement would be completely different to that used in a contract.
Style guides can also impact the quality of the translation, and not every text can be translated using the same guidelines. For instance, there are several different style guides in English alone. The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Style (IEEE) would be favoured in computer science and engineering. However, in medical fields, the American Medical Association guide (AMA) will be more appropriate.
How can you ensure your company receives a high-quality translation?
When looking for a translation agency to help take your business worldwide, these factors can cast doubt on which company to work with. However, there are other factors you can look out for which will indicate that the agency takes measures to ensure the quality of their work.
1. Experience
Whether you are looking to work with a translation agency or directly with a translator, the more experience the better. Due to our extensive experience in the translation industry, we know how to handle challenges effectively when working on translation projects. Translation involves a number of challenges, and by honing their translation skills, translators can learn the best ways to overcome them. Agencies can also refine their processes to deliver professional services that assure the quality of your translations. Â
The translators chosen for your project need to have experience in the relevant sectors. If they are going to deliver high-quality translations that comply with the regulations of your target market, then they need to be subject matter experts.
They also need to be native speakers of the target language with high-level proficiency in the source language. By mastering both languages, they can understand the different terms and find the most appropriate way to translate them.
2. Translation tools
Translations provided by professional translators need to be both accurate and consistent. This is extremely important, as any mistakes or inconsistencies could jeopardise your company’s operations.
While a style guide can help keep translations consistent, translation technologies offer an even higher level of accuracy and consistency. Featuring glossaries, translation memories and termbases, translators can easily crosscheck their work to make sure there are not discrepancies between documents.
These tools will also automatically identify any repetitions from previous texts or terms contained within the glossaries. This helps speed up the translation process, while ensuring consistency for high-quality results.
3. Delivery
A company that promises high quality and fast delivery at a very low cost is promising a service too good to be true. Working with such companies is a risk, and could cost more in the long run in terms of both time and money.
It is possible to complete some projects faster, but this all depends on several factors. The document type, length, and language combinations, as well as the target audience, all have a big impact on delivery times.
The best way to work out if you will still receive quality results is to ask the agency to detail its translation process. That way, you will have a general idea of their process and know what is included in their services. An agency that delivers a simple translation together with proofreading and revision will be able to ensure better quality results, but this will take longer.
Need help choosing the right agency?
Choosing the right translation company is no easy task, but at Intertranslations, we want you to feel confident in the agency you choose. That is why our specialists are ready to guide you through our process step by step and answer any of your questions.
The last few decades have been marked by the globalisation of markets, making language services more important than ever before. From legal documents to marketing materials, translation and localisation are key to the success and development of companies across all industries within the global market. That is why you need a translation agency you can trust.
However, many companies still underestimate the importance of a translator’s work. This means they either miss out on opportunities to grow their business, or use cheap and fast services with poor quality results.
Part of the reason why many still underestimate translation services stems from the belief that translation simply involves swapping one language for another. However, in reality, it is much more than that.Â
So, why are translation services so important for businesses?
1. Global expansion
Globalisation has made international expansion easier for many companies, which means they will often need to deal with organisations abroad. Translation services can help a business make the most of this access to the global marketplace.
Although English is widely spoken, many countries, institutions and administrations require necessary documents to be submitted in the local language. These documents must also be compliant with the laws and regulations of the country, and are not always available in other languages.
As such, businesses must have reliable language services at their disposal for the smooth running of operations and for delivering valid legal documents.Â
2. Communication
Language services play a significant role in business communication. They help in communicating with other companies, for example when outsourcing a part of the production, and they also help communicate with customers. Addressing a target audience in their mother tongue is the best way to generate interest and sales.
But translation is not only useful for communicating with people abroad. One of the effects of globalisation is migration, and nowadays, many people live or work abroad without mastering the local language. In other cases, several languages might be spoken in one country, such as in Switzerland, India and South Africa. Translation gives your employees the freedom to choose their strongest language, keeping internal communication clear and avoiding any misunderstandings.
Working with professional translators is also a form of protection for the company. The business is the one held responsible for the information it shares, and as such, you should always choose a professional translation service. That way, you can make sure the information presented is clear and correct, since any errors could lead to litigation.Â
3. Global operations
Translation services also help with global operations. Although many employees may be able to speak English, it is always important to take precautions that ensure there are no misunderstandings. That way, you can keep your operations running smoothly and have confidence that everything is being done correctly.
When thinking about translation, many think about reaching audiences outside of the company. However, it is often needed at an internal level as well. You might need to translate files for information purposes, research, or just to share them internally within the company.
4. Localisation
Localisation is just as important to a business as translation. Taking into account both language and culture, localisation can help companies cross cultural barriers and really connect with their audience.
Some industries like marketing and online games need more than just a classic translation, and must work with human translators instead of machines. By working with a native speaker to localise your content, you can address your target audience in their own language while accounting for cultural differences. This type of translation is essential for marketing strategies that target a specific audience.
5. Visibility, brand and reputation
Working with a professional translation agency that can deliver high-quality translations will have a positive impact on your visibility, brand and reputation.
An accurate translation can help protect you from litigation, but also shows the target audience that you are serious about expanding into their particular market. For example, KitKat is available in multiple markets, and depending on each one, the brand has adapted its offer to suit local cultures and tastes.
Any business looking to successfully expand into the global marketplace will need the help of a translation agency. Working alongside your business developers and marketing strategists, they can help develop your business and gain new clientele from all over the world.
Choose Intertranslations for all your communication needs
Translation and localisation services have become a necessary part of global trade. Intertranslations has been in the translation industry for more than 25 years, and is now one of the most trusted translation agencies in the market.
With Intertranslations, you can rest assured that your files will be translated by native speakers and subject matter experts with relevant experience in your industry. Our specialists are on hand to answer any questions, and are ready to guide you through our process step by step.
Looking to translate your legal documents? We offer a comprehensive range of certified translations, including:
• Certified translations by sworn translators accepted in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
• Legalised translations usable and accepted in Greece
• Notarised translations
• Apostilled translations
Whatever translation service you need, we guarantee confidentiality and data protection through non-disclosure agreements and GDPR compliance. We are also ISO certified for accuracy and quality assurance.
Translation also involves formatting
In order to maintain the integrity of your original document’s formatting, the translation agency you choose should also provide Desktop Publishing (DTP) services. At Intertranslations, we offer our clients Multilingual Desktop Publishing in a wide range of languages for almost any type of document.
Using an in-house team of expert graphic designers, we will extract the text from your source files and replace this with the translation. With an eye for detail, we will then make sure everything is in the right place, giving you a fully-formatted and high-quality translation ready for use.
Our DTP team can work with a range of document formats across both Windows and Apple MacOS, including Microsoft Office Suite, Open Office, InDesign, FrameMaker, Illustrator, Photoshop and Adobe Acrobat.