Corporate Social Responsibility
Intertranslations corporate responsibility starts with our value system, and our principled approach to doing business. We recognise that we influence the lives of our staff by providing them with employment, training and a safe work environment. We also influence the lives of our clients by offering our services and the community we live in when we use its infrastructure networks and natural resources.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Intertranslations operates in ways that meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, adopts best practices and incorporates the UN Global Compact Principles into our strategies, policies and procedures.
✔ supports and respects the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights;
✔ is not complicit in human rights abuses;
✔ is an equal opportunity employer;
✔ is against discrimination in respect of employment and occupation;
✔ is against all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
✔ supports the effective abolition of child labour;
✔ supports a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
✔ promotes with its business activities a greater environmental responsibility;
✔ is against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
At Intertranslations we make an effort to establish a culture of integrity and contribute to tackling the challenges of sustainable development. Intertranslations is aÂ
At Intertranslations we make an effort to establish a culture of integrity and contribute to tackling the challenges of sustainable development. Intertranslations is a member of the UN Global Compact and a signatory of the UN Global Compact Principles.
For more information please see the following files: CSR Policy Environmental Policy